Thursday, May 15, 2008

Ukulele Construction - Inlay

Basdic inlay techniques using the Larry Robinson method

Brickwork Tutorial

This is a tutorial video on the history of brickwork and construction methods

Pneumatic Nailer for Chinking Nails

Proof testing a modified air nailer to install chinking nails as taught by LHBA construction methods. Visit

ATLANTIS: Construction

Construction process of ATLANTIS underwater support.

Building Construction Technology


Building Patriot Pride - Art and Visual Technology

Explore beyond the "No Trespassing" signs on the construction site of the future Art and Visual Technology Building and hear about all of it's exciting new features. But there's no need to throw on your boots and hard hat. You'll find all access right here

Cowlin Construction

Interviews with students undergoing work experience at Cowlin Construction


Wallpaper DO-IT-YOURSELF Tips