Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Basic Zipblocks Demo - Simple Green Interlocking Technology

Zipblocks are boring...for that matter so are bricks, cinderblocks, and most other building materials. But hey...lets not forget get that the Great Pyramid of Giza was built from blocks.

This video on Zipblocks is also a bit boring...but if you watch it and then take a few seconds to think about how simple Zipblocks are and what you can do with might develop an appreciation for Zipblocks. What's more is that if you do like Zipblocks and you introduce them to a company and as a result they decide to manufacture them you'll get a percentage of the royalties. To learn more about this just visit our website.

What is really nice about Ziplocks is that the entire building system consists of only two types of block and that longer blocks are simply multiples of a single block. Zipblocks can be made from virtually any solid material. Zipblocks are so simple that you can make them in your garage out of plywood if wanted to. Sides and lugs are the only two parts needed to create Zipblocks. So all in all this entire building system consists of only two different block types that can be created from two simple parts.

The costs of manufacturing Zipblocks are low. To put things in perspective consider this scenario. Let's say that it costs $20 for a sheet of ¾ inch plywood and that it costs a factory $2 to transform one sheet of plywood into fully assembled blocks. In this case the transformation from plain plywood to Zipblocks generally speaking adds 10% to the costs of the raw materials. We can now visualize home improvement stores selling sheets of plywood for $20 and the equivalent plywood in bundles of Zipblocks for $22.

Let's say that you wanted to create your very own custom wall unit in your living room that covered an entire wall from floor to ceiling. Let's just say that this wall is 20 feet long and 12 feet tall. Can you imagine how much it would cost you if you walked into your local home supply center and made this request? It would probably cost you a fortune in both labor and materials. Now picture yourself walking into the same store and ordering 4 to 5 pallets of Zipblocks, having them delivered to you home, and then building your very own wall unit all in a days time. The cost would of course be much less and you would have a custom wall unit that you designed and built all by yourself. This would indeed be a much more rewarding experience.

What we just spoke about is more than ideal. What's more is that when you build with Zipblocks and you make a mistake. No problem. Just disassemble your mistake and fix it. Moving to another home and the living room is smaller? problem...just dissemble your wall unit, ship it to your new home, and when you get there build another custom wall unit that suits to your needs.

You know, the great thing about these blocks is that you can build just about anything with them. Imagine how much fun you could have building some really cool workbenches in your garage or putting up some giant shelves in there. How about building a dog house for your dog or a playhouse for your child or a closet organizer?

You see there are simply countless things that you can build with Zipblocks and if you ever get tired of what you built...just break it down and use your blocks for something else! Zipblocks are essentially a product that never loses its value or usefulness.

Some other uses for Zipblocks:

1) Robotic Building Blocks -- It is easy for robots to manipulate Zipblocks thru the x-y-z planes as they are cubic in nature and interlock upon placement.
2) Concrete Forms -- rapidly build a disposable custom concrete forms using some wooden Zipblocks.
3) Levee Walls -- 16 foot lengths of Zipblocks made from a hybrid of plastic reinforced with steel and then woven together would certainly aid in the construction of levee walls. New Orleans and other flood prone areas are in need of cheap and effective solutions.
4) Walkways and Patios -- 8 foot lengths of plastic based Zipblocks could be used to instantly build patios and walkways.
5) Shipping containers -- Build custom shipping containers. Upon arrival in 3rd world countries containers could be broken down and used to construct shelter.

Visit us to find out more about Zipblocks.

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